Here at The Amicus Community, we want the children that live in our homes and learn at our school, to feel and know that they are our greatest importance and highest priority. We work with children who have been impacted by the trauma of early environmental factors. These experiences have affected the children’s behaviour which has made living in some of their home environments and attending mainstream schools unsuitable and inappropriate.
We provide a highly supervised and planned environment that integrates residential care and education and is underpinned by a rigorous therapeutic model and understanding. The aim is to help children understand the impact of their pasts and corresponding behaviours and feelings. Enabling them to manage healthier relationships, through which they can achieve the trust and self-esteem essential for their eventual transitions. These transitions from Amicus may involve living in a new family-type setting (which may mean reintegration back into their family home or moving to a sustainable foster placement) and/or attending an alternative suitable educational setting.
In March 2024 we were graded Outstanding by Ofsted for one of our Therapeutic Residential Homes. Some of the of the highlights from the inspection report are below:
“Children live in a home where they receive nurturing care, which allows them to have happy and fulfilled lives. They build secure and trusting relationships with adults, who make them feel cherished and loved."
“Children make excellent progress and there is clear evidence of the positive impact that their time at the home has on their lives.“
“There is a strong sense of community. Adults in the care, education and therapy teams work exceptionally well together and have a truly joined-up approach."
“Adults receive regular supervision, which is enhanced by clinical spaces where adults feel listened to and appreciated."
“Adults value the support from the registered manager, the team and the community. One adult said, ‘Every aspect of the home is supportive.’ Another said, ‘I am so impressed with the managers, they are approachable, supportive and the “togetherness” makes it amazing to work here.’"
“One member of the team said, ‘I’m grateful for the experiences I have had here and would recommend the home as it is exceptional.’"