About the children we help at The Amicus Community
The children who are educated and live within The Amicus Community are very special to us. We want them to receive the therapeutic input, education, care, and attention to enable them to develop, grow and thrive whilst they are placed with us. Our children are both male and female and are aged from five to sixteen. Children offered a placement are between the ages of 4 – 11 years old on admission (but can stay until 16 years old if need be), with our placement term being a minimum of 2 years. Our focus is on early intervention in helping children at a younger age to then move on after their Amicus journey to have sustainable and successful foster placements or reintegration back into family life if appropriate.
Our school and three homes follow our therapeutic model and approach, creating a unique, nurturing environment. The children would have experienced previous significant trauma and as a result, have social emotional, behavioural and sometimes mental health difficulties.