Our core values, approach and standards
As a children’s therapeutic community, Amicus is committed to offering meaningful residential care and education to children through our therapeutic provision. The therapeutic care and education are informed by psychoanalytic and group process/ relations models and is delivered in structured and psychologically informed environments.
To ensure the therapeutic community is delivering the best care we can, we adhere to the Children’s Homes Regulations (2015) and Quality Standards, and the Independent School Standards that are required by our setting. We are regularly and independently inspected and audited by external bodies, to comply with the regulations and standards and to monitor our practice.
Additionally, we are proud to have accredited therapeutic community status through The Royal College of Psychiatrists and we are registered and participate in the Community of Communities network, which means we follow the standards and values set by the Royal College of Psychiatrists; Community of Communities (For more details please see the link below for the list of Core Values and Core Standards). Our everyday work incorporates the therapeutic community’s core values and standards, and our therapeutic model and practice underpin all that we do.
Furthermore, Amicus is committed to the outcomes of the Quality Standards and those identified in children’s Care Plans and EHCPs and in consultation with parents /carers and the local authority and we integrate these outcomes and the framework within our therapeutic practice in our schools and homes.

Community of Communities Values
These are the Core Values taken from Community of Communities Service Standards for Children’s Therapeutic Communities. The Core Values articulate the basic principles and philosophy of Therapeutic Communities and are what we base our practise and training on. (Eds: Sullivon. J & Paget. S Community of Communities: Service Standards for Therapeutic Communities for Children and Young People.)
1. Attachment – Healthy attachment is a developmental requirement for all human beings and should be seen as a basic human right.
2. Containment – A safe and supportive environment is required for an individual to develop, to grow, or to change.
3. Respect – People need to feel respected and valued by others to be healthy. Everybody is unique and nobody should be defined or described by their problems alone.
4. Communication – All behaviour has meaning and represents communication which deserves understanding.
5. Interdependence – Personal well-being arises from one’s ability to develop relationships which recognise the mutual needs.
6. Relationships – Understanding how you relate to others and how others relate to you leads to better intimate, family, social and working relationships.
7. Participation – The ability to influence one’s environment and relationships is necessary for personal well-being. Being involved in decision-making is required for shared participation, responsibility, and ownership.
8. Process – There is not always a right answer, and it is often useful for individuals, groups, and larger organisations to reflect rather than act immediately.
9. Balance – Positive and negative experiences are necessary for healthy development of individuals, groups, and the community.
10. Responsibility – Each individual has responsibility to the group and the group in turn has a collective responsibility to all individuals in it.
Community of Communities Core Standards
The Core Standards we use are also set by Community of Communities and we use to help quality assure our service using the Community of communities’ annual cycle of self-and peer-review. They are as follows:
- There is a clear way of working that supports the principles of the Therapeutic Community.
- Children and staff are aware of the culture and practices within the Therapeutic Community.
- Children and staff work together to review, set and maintain rules and boundaries.
- Children and staff take part in the day to day running of the Therapeutic Community.
- There is a structured timetable of activities that reflects the needs of children and staff.
- Children and staff are encouraged to form a relationship with the Therapeutic Community and with each other as a significant part of community life.
- All behaviour and emotional expression is open to discussion within the Therapeutic Community.
- Everything that happens in the Therapeutic Community is treated as a learning opportunity.
- Children and staff share responsibility for the emotional and physical safety of each other.
- Children and staff are active in the personal development of each other.